Clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllus)
Clove bud oil has a penetrating and spicy aroma with a strong base note.
The plant
The clove oil comes from the buds of the Clove tree, which is a tall evergreen indigenous to Indonesia. Most of the oil is now cultivated and exported from Sri Lanka.
The extraction
Clove essential oil is extracted from the buds via steam distillation.
The oil is pain relieving, calming, anti-infectious, disinfecting and stimulating. It is particularly useful for tooth ache and mouth sores, as well as joint issues and infectious wounds.
Clove oil is very potent and powerful and care should be taken when using the oil. Massage is not recommended but it is a popular and affective ingredient (use very small proportions) in inhalations, topical application, natural skincare and toiletries.
Chemical constituents
Furfurol (Aldehyde), Methyl salicylate (Ester), Eugenol (Phenol), Caryophyllene (Sesquiterpene), Pinene (Terpene).
Petitgrain blends well with basil, benzoin, black pepper, cinnamon, citronella, grapefruit, lemon, nutmeg, sweet orange, peppermint and rosemary.