Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Lemon essential oil has a light medium scent, with a clean lemony quality.
The plant
The lemon tree is a small thorny tree with highly perfumed little flowers. It is native to India although now grown through Southern Europe and Florida and California.
The extraction
The greener, unripe lemons are ideally used to harvest oil from as they contain higher quantities of essential oil. The oil is extracted by mechanical expression to yield the greatest quality of oil.
Lemon essential oil is refreshing and cooling, renowned for being reviving, soothing, stimulating and purifying.
When used in skincare lemon essential oil brightens the complexion and cleanses the skin. This same cleansing action is useful for shampoos and reducing greasy hair.
The Ancient Egyptians used lemon oil to cure meat and fish poisoning and it has also been long used as an antiseptic against the bites from disease-carrying insects.
Lemons were originally introduced into Europe by the Holy Crusaders during the Middle Ages, and the fruit has been famously used to prevent scurvy in sea-men. Since then, lemon essential oil has become a popular oil for use in aromatherapy.
Chemical constituents
Linalool (Alcohol), Citral, Citronellal (Aldehydes), Cadinene (Sesquiterpene), Bisabolene, Camphene, Dipentene, Limonene, Pinene, Phellandrene (Terpenes).
Lemon oil blends well with all citrus oils, as well as lavender, neroli, ylang ylang, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, benzoin, geranium and eucalyptus.